"Flying Tadpole" wrote:
Lady Pilot wrote:
"katysails" wrote:
Babs had better return! She could give Lady Pilot a run for Mooron's
Nice bait, Katy! But where's Capt. Mooron's money? I thought he had it
invested in Overproof out in the chicken coop.
You mean...you didn't CHARGE him any for your services???
And here I thought you could "read between the lines"...HA!
I've been waiting for the games, but the group seems to be focused on
When is the tadpole "going south" ? (loved it, Taddy)
The frenzied Tadpole isn't going anywhere other than round the
bend (and to Roxby DOwns for the latter part of October) from the
pressure of work. It's a long way from labouring in the
vineyard...(do I wish for those simpler days? No.) THere's lots
of music piling up in the note-tape which I can't do much with at
present. I'll attempt to throw another musical bone for everyone
to worry at afore I go...
What can I say? I will remain silent, since I know you wouldn't know what
to do with that...
LP (be careful and safe)