On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 00:01:26 +1000, "GC"
~~ snippage ~~
I haven't used the boat for about 3 months.... I played with the steering
every so often, but never started the engine because the battery was flat
and I never bothered to charge it..... so now I have new battery and now
for the questions 
During starting the battery.... when I turn the key.... it does it chug
chug chug as it tries to start..... but then it started making another
noise.... like umm iti would go chug chug for a bit..... but then it would
go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
Its that maybe the starter motor coming off the flywheel(I think thats what
the big round thing is called)??? If so why would it do that???? It started
to do it more and more.
If what I think you are describing is what I think you are describing,
then yes, that would be the starter winding down.
However, it shouldn't be that obvious. Can you hear this over the
engine running?
The process I was told to start the engine, is to pump fuel to the engine
with the little black pump, until it starts to get hard....
Push the idle stick thing to start, turn the key to on, then push it for
about 10 seconds(I later found out this is the choke)..... then turn it to
start. Should I release the choke when trying to start??? I try all
different combinations when I'm trying to start the thing, so I don't know
the correct way
You shouldn't have to press the choke switch for ten seconds. The
choke is only a momentary full choke solenoid. Once the engine
starts, the choke is controlled by the engine temperature (I think
that's true).
Yes, continue to press the starter switch engaging the choke solenoid
then release it after start. The primer bulb should be reasonably
hard to press once it's ready.
To stop the engine, I was told I have to push in the key again and turn to
the start position, the engine then stops.....
When the engine is running, I used to be able to turn the key off and take
the key out, and the engine kept going... just my fuel gauge etc turned off
as they are wired in after the switch, which is obvious....
What I noticed now though, if when I turn the key to off now, the engine
stops immediately...... If it did this all along then I would think
nothing of it..... it works just like a car now
Turn the key one way to
start, the the key back the other way to stop..... But I'm a little
worried, cause it never used to do that... What could be wrong??? I could
this be right??? I ran the motor for about 10 minutes once it was
started...... I stoped and started it a few times near the end to from
this key switch thing.... every time the engine stops when I turn the key
I have no clue.
Another thing I noticed.... the water pump....in my last service back in
Feb/March they cleared the water pump pipes out as it wasn't pumping out
enough water. So I've always kept a close eye on that and I know it was
working very well last time I used the boat....
But at first, no water was coming out.... made me get a bit worried.... I
cranked the hose up, and eventually water started coming out..... hot at
first... then it cooled down...... then it got really hot again (the water
coming out the little hole) and the tempurature alarm starting going off for
a bit..... it stoped after about 30 seconds, and the water cooled a
little..... while it was running for the next 5 or so minutes, the water
coming out was warm as it normally is, so that was a good sign..... Just
wondering, since I haven't used the boat for a while..... could the 2
stroke fuel mixture have settled and therefore the correct mixture is not
going to the battery??? I just don't know why it was warm... then suddenly
really hot.... then back to normal....
I'm planning on taking the boat out into this water this weekend..... so
from what I have said, I hope no one is going to tell me I have major
problems with the engine.....
This engine turning off issue is worrying me.
It is entirely possible that you have a heating problem with either
the thermostat or possibly a engine head problem. I assume that you
were using a set of earmuffs to run the engine in place. If you are
getting hot/cold alternating from the water pressure tell tale, then
it's probably working as it should initially, The hot water was the
discharge when the engine came up to operating temp.
It's sounds pretty normal, but I'd have a shop check it just in case.
While I'm here..... My other battery isn't too bad, so I was like get a
switch and have the two batteries setup.... a few questions about this...
Does it matter that the two batteries are of different type/age??? (I think
they have pretty similar specs. but one is a few years old).
If I setup my new main starting battery as 1, and my other battery for
accessories as 2... Can I turn the switch to use both 1 and 2 when I'm
starting to get an extra boost??? Or is this a bad idea? Should I only use
one battery to start....ANd switch to both when I want to charge both....
If I start the engine on 1, then switch over to 2, do those switches have
any kind of break in the circuit??? Based on what I've said above, during
switching to the other, if I loose power for a split second, the engine will
I've seen these switches range in price from $20 - $100... they look
similar, just wondering what the difference is??? Do the more expensive
ones do a smoother switch over??
How do they get wired? Do I connect all the negatives together (from both
batteries, accessories, ignition), then the positive goes to COMMON, and
the positive of the batteries go to 1 and 2??
One of the switches I saw a couple of other smaller terminls... I think they
said T1 and T2... what are they for??
Sorry for all the questions... I've gotta learn somehow 
I think thats about it for now.. thanks in advance!
I would suggest that you hang around or find a friend who has boating
experience and go over some of these questions with him/her.
What you are asking is strictly personal preference as to switching
and without getting into how you operate your boat, it's hard for
anybody to tell you what or how to do it if there is no reference
What I would do is hire a mechanic for a few hours and have the
mechanic go over the systems, how to start, what happens when it's
started, give advice on the batteries and such other issues as you may
have questions for. It's a lot easier for somebody to help when it's
a hands on situation rather than trying to do it by remote control.
Good luck.
"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."
Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653