NOYB wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Gould 0738 wrote:
Well, I hope it doesn't happen, but, if it's my
suggestion...the targeting parameters should be in the vicinity of
{deleted}, but only at the proper moment, when the Mad Kowboy
and his Saudi buddies are present.
There's no excuse for posting something like that, Harry. Ridiculously
You better hope your coordinates are off at least a little bit. I think
you're down to 10ths of a second in both lat and long
They're simply the coordinates my Microsoft map program turned up when I
asked for the coordinates of Crawford, Texas. I have no idea where the
Bush ranch is in relation to downtown Crawford.
Does it matter? The topic was about nukes...which are not exactly
considered precision weaponry.
Here's another set: 38.88425W x 77,03889W.
You think it is anything more than an extraordinarily trivial task to
locate coordinates? The ones I posted will put you in the middle of the
Tidal Basin.
You're's not hard to locate coordinates. But it is illegal to
suggest that terrorists use those coordinates as "targeting parameters"
should they obtain nukes...since doing so can be construed as a threat on
the life of the US President.
Why would anyone think such information is secret?
It's OK to wish him thrown out of office on his Texas butt, (as long as
it is
accomplished lawfully and within the rules of the constitution). It's
not OK to
wish him dead. Not at all.
I thought you were a more careful reader. I prefaced my remark by
stating that I hope it doesn't happen, but...*if* we are attacked again,
I certainly hope it is in Bush Country.
No, actually you said that if we are attacked again, then you'd "suggest"
that the terrorists use the GPS coordinates of Crawford, Texas as "targeting
parameters". Bad, bad choice on your part.
As opposed to NYC or DC? You bet. Find some other place,
terrorists...we've taken our hits already.
Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
And don't forget to pay your taxes so the rich don't have to!