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no, he did not. check the title of this thread to see what he said.

Subject: 36 foot waves forecasted for Florida western panhandle, but
Saturday looks good.
From: (Parallax)
Date: 9/16/2004 3:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time

(JAXAshby) wrote in message
vase kisser, ever watch what the waves do as they come ashore? You have?
Really? So how come you haven't yet noticed the waves break? too stoned

notice yet?

Date: 9/16/2004 7:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

(JAXAshby) wrote in message
No, stupid, he is saying, historically, 36+ foot waves have devastated
portions of the Gulf Coast.

36 foot waves can not hit the Gulf Coast. They break well before they

close to shore.

If that were the case, then almost anywhere that there is a beach,
couldn't have waves, because the beach, at the edge, is only a 1/4"

JAX simply cannot admit he was wrong. The original poster said
nothing about waves hitting the beach. He talked about wave heights
at an offshore buoy. Yesterday, there were 42' waves there. During
the night, they had on that was 52'. I have personally seen 20'+
waves hitting hotel walls during a hurricane at Jacksonville Beach
during the early 70s. Of course they were breaking.