Hi, Jack...
In all honesty I have heard of these units having problems. I work for a yard
that does a lot of installs. Garmin is prefered by many. I know Northstar
markets as a premium brand, but I have heard more than a few problems, fogging
being a primary factor.
Nutjobs like Loco can believe that the products they've chosen are "best" but
that's the opinion of an individual. I'll stick with Garmin.
What a line of bull. Works in a boatyard? Doing what? Tell us. On other
newsgroups the Boobster claims to be a wedding photographer, an ebay tycoon, a
boat broaker, anything but a real job.
I guess every defective Northstar shows up at the skanky marina in N.Y. that
the Boob hangs out at.
Most people buy Garmin because of the overwhelming amount of advertising and
promotion that the company and their dealers do. They make good units and
offer a big selection. They have great factory support. But a Northstar they
S/V Express 30 "Ringmaster"
"Trains are a winter sport"