***dum squat*** Gene Kearns
Date: 9/17/2004 7:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
On 16 Sep 2004 02:46:46 GMT, (JAXAshby) wrote:
No, stupid, he is saying, historically, 36+ foot waves have devastated
portions of the Gulf Coast.
36 foot waves can not hit the Gulf Coast. They break well before they get
close to shore.
Ok... for the sake of argument... let's suppose you are right.
Now, then, after a major hurricane, tell me what leaves boats in the
tree tops? What destroys brick and stone mansions built several
hundred yards from the shore? What knocks out windows, doors, and
wall on the second and third floor level and leaves a discernable
water line?
Your silly theoretical textbook physics is just that...... textbook,
theoretical, and in the real world.... observably silly.
Sorry to harass you so, but reality is a bitch.... please buck up and
learn to deal with it..... it is, well, reality.
Grady-White Gulfstream, out of Southport, NC.
http://myworkshop.idleplay.net/cavern/ Homepage
http://www.southharbourvillageinn.com/directions.asp Where Southport,NC
is located.
http://www.thebayguide.com/rec.boats Rec.boats
at Lee Yeaton's Bayguide