Thread: TCW3 Castrol?
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If it meets the TCW3 spec then you should be ok. What sometimes increases
the price is what additional is added to the oil.

"Camilo" wrote in message
OK without getting into a full blown TCW3 debate, is your personal opinion
that Castrol would be considered an "upper end" oil or a "lower end". I
don't want to debate whether the "upper end" is actually better than the
"lower end", because I know that is debatable. I just want to know if
Castrol TCW3 has a good reputation for marketing a quality product.

This is the Castrol Super Outboard oil, NMMA TC-W3 certified.

I've burned a gallon or so. The only distinctive thing about it is that
smell of the oil itself is distinctly different than the OEM bulk John/Ev
and Quicksilver I've been using this season. I've never noticed this
distinctive a smell for TCW3. Haven't noticed any difference in smoke or

By the way, I am not of the school to save $5 on a gallon of oil just to
save the money. Given my use of approximately 200 gallons of pre-mix a
year, the savings just doesn't amount to much, so I just don't worry about
it.. I'd save a LOT more money by price shopping for the gasoline!
I don't really do - I go to the station that's most convenient and
easy access for the car and trailer.)

The reason I'm trying the Castrol is that it is quite a bit more
to me to buy it at the local hardware store than drive across town to the
Merc or Johnson dealer to buy the OEM oil in bulk. Price for the
($11 /gal) is about half way between the cheapest ($5-7/gal for off name,
el-cheapo) to the most expensive ($15 - $20 for OEM or Penn. full synth).
Like I said, price is NOT the factor, but convenience is. Store is right
my route home and saves a good 30-40 min round trip to the boat store.
