Replacing part of the boat floor.... HELP!!
From the day I was hoodwinked into buying this boat I've had some
problems. Never buy a boat from a good looking woman in a bikini.
Oh ya, it looked great.... The boat boys, Im talking about the boat
now. I even took it to the local dealer in town to check it out. I
got a clear green light from them. The first time out the engine
exploaded and sent smoke from every cavity in the boat. I had the
wife and kids onboard and sent them to the front of the boat while I
grabbed the fire extenguisher and pulled the enginre cover back. It
turned out to be a cracked block. Oil all over the manifolds. I
chaulked it up to buyer beware . Althought the local dealer no
longer gets ANY of my business. Im in Plano, TX. so let me know if
you want to know the name of the place.
So then, I get it all fixed up and then the little intermitant problem
happen. Batteries, Carburator, Starter... Now all that seems to be
working ok and then someone steps onto the boat hard and then...CRASH.
the floor has gotten weak around the ski hull. NOW, I have a project.
I am wanting to replace the 2" frame around the ski storage and place
braces down from the floor to the hull. I may not be able to store
skis there but I want a solid floor witout ripping it all up. Now Im
wondering what type of materials to use. Im thinking of ripping 2"
strips of pressure treated around the skiframe and using appoxy and
fiberslass so give it strength. Im not certain I can get all of the
rotten floor up without taking the entire floor up. It only looks
rotted for a about 2 inches around the ski hole. Is there any way to
seal rotten plywood? Im thinking if I can get to solid wood by using
a dremmel I can get a pretty good hold on it by filling in the bad
parts with appoxy. Im not concerned about the cosmetices because
the floor will be recovered with carpet and the frame will be under
the floor.
Does this plan sound feasable? Could someone advise me on the
materals to use? Ive read that appoxy and fiberglass doesn not adhere
well to pressure trated wood. Is this true? Should I use marine
plywood? Is it the same as pressure treated plywood? What kind or
resen should I use? Im a novice so ANY help would be appriciated.
Is this stuff REALLY hard to work with?
My plan would be to build the frame in 2 peices, glass or resen the 2"
frame before I put it in. then, screw the frame in place under the ski
hole and appoxy the crap out of it and putting glass around the edges
to seal it to the rest of the good floor.
I just need a good quick solution to the floor.
For the record, Its a Sea Ray Seville 1988.
Man they made alot of those boats. Ive had some great times on it
too but I see another boat in my future. Next time, Im looking a
little closer. AT THE BOAT!
Thanks in advance.