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Harry Krause
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bajaman wrote:
I am always amazed at the preponderance of off-topic post here! One can
only conclude that the people that are most often guilty of that (YOU know
who you are!) are "armchair" boaters, pathetic fat slobs with no lifes and
ugly wives that have never spent a minute on the!
I mean look at the posting history of the prime transgressors....these
****ers LIVE at their keyboards! Immersed in their CRT illuminated
faux-world, they dream of what the rest of us DO, although these pussies
would actually be terrified of open water. Hell, they are probably
terrified of BATH WATER!
Pathetic really is the only word to describe these....'men' (rolls eyes).

I take showers.

I have boats. Contact me if you're in the 'hood between about April to
mid-November and we'll go for a ride, or, if the weather sucks, a look-see.


But I agree with part of your post...some of the most offensive folk
here haven't a boat. Most of them are in my bozo bin and interestingly,
since they found their way in there, the number of their posts here has


Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
And don't forget to pay your taxes so the rich don't have to!