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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 05:12:06 GMT, "Calif Bill"

Friend only shoots in Digital now. Is a professional photographer in
Silicon Valley. Does lots of product brochure stuff. But his connect to a
computer and may store 19 mb for 1 pic. My Son in law is the computer guy
for the biggest baby picture chain. They shoot all digital now.

For certain applications, such as computer set up and graphics, you
can't beat a digital SLR.

For print work, however, I still say that the film/negative/paper
chain is the best over all.

Just my opinion.


"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."

Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653