"John Hill" wrote in message
On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 05:18:55 GMT, Jim wrote:
Bush in the National Guard: A primer
The flap over dubious documents has obscured the real story.
Here it is.
snipped liebral propaganda
- - - - - - - - - - - -
So what ?
Kerry introduced his service as a campaign tool. There are no
indications that he is not the same person, there is no road to
Damascus for him. No obvious life changing event.
These attempts to smear Bush are in a different category. Bush and his
aides admit that he had a fondness for the high life and alcohol when
he was young. However at around 40 he found God and had that life
changing event. Bush is not the same person as he was in his twenties,
so none of this stuff is relevant. So get over it and move on.
As I see it Kerry is a dubious hero married to serious money ( I
wonder how his wife's fortune and their consequent social circle
influence him). Bush is a reformed drunk and non hero with family
money; and his social business circle may influence him; but he looks
a good, righteous man from here; and one who has a conscience to
The liberal agenda as always looks to smear that which they cannot
beat by fair means . And they cannot breat it because their views and
policy and behaviour is based on emotion, not logic or reason. Oh and
if you want a liberal there's one called Tony Blair that you can have.
Here is another look at Bush's guard service