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"Vito" wrote in message ...

If you pay a family 75.000 USD reward because one of the Kids
vaporized himself or herself in a crowd in Isreal.... I think that
might count as supporting terrorist.

If you were a Palistinian who's wife and kids had just been killed in an
Israeli rocket attack on the house next door you might see it as supporting

I will never see murdering civilians as patroitism. What threat is a
bus full of citizens to your country?

The japs thought the same thing, and they had suicide bombers as
well.. but at least they attacked ligit targets of war. Don't get me
wrong, the Japs used to be the lowest form of brainwash hirohito
worshipping assholes with a serious inferiorty complex, but they seem
somewhat honorable... compared to the jihad camel jockey head choppin
dirtbags cowards we are dealing with today.

Both groups are evil.. and wrong.
