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Taco Heaven
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The National Election Studies conducted by the University of Michigan shows
the average education level of Republicans is substantially higher than

If you go to their web site, you will the study is not an endorsement of
either party, it is a very scientific study to track long term trends in US
politics and voters. They make no judgment on either party or those who
vote for one party over another.

The ANES survey conducted by the University of Michigan

About 36% of Republicans graduated from college while about 28% and 23% of
Independents and Democrats, respectively, graduated from college. About 59%
of Republicans made over $35,000 a year while only 50% and 35% of
Independents and Democrats, respectively, made over $35,000 a year.

Again, the ANES is not interested in either political party, they are just
trying to track long term political trends.

From the Diane Divers Blair Center for the Study of Southern Politics and
Society, which does not support either party and is only interested in
studying Southern Politics. They too agree with my premise.

"Adherents to the two parties in Arkansas had different levels of education,
with the Republicans being more educated. Roughly, 23% of the Democrats and
21% of Independents possessed a college degree; 39% of Republicans had
graduated from college."

"The state's Republicans are also wealthier than their Democratic and
Independent counterparts. Almost half (47%) of the Republicans surveyed
stated they had a household income of over $35,000, while 37% of
Independents and just under a third (31%) of the Democrats had incomes over

"basskisser" wrote in message
"Taco Heaven" wrote in message
That is such a loaded question.

The democrats of course.

Nah, it'd be top posting republicans. After all, it's the republicans
who automatically follow whatever their leader tells them, and NEVER,
EVER question the party. That right there tells me that they, for the
most part, can't think for themselves.