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(Gould 0738) wrote in message ...
Sounds like Bob Morris thinks God is a democrat and that God has smitten
those who vote incorrectly.

How could he be so wrong?

We all know that God is a Republican (according to Pat Roberts, Jerry Falwell,
etc) and that Satan, not God, will smite the US if it elects John Kerry. (Dick

I saw Falwell on tv last week talking about his new Christian based
law school. He's training lawyers in his sort of religion plus law so
they can go out and aggressively persue fundmentalist Christian
causes. That sure sounds like 10# of **** in a 5# bag. Taco Guy, don't
worry. Bob Morris is nuts, God is on your side.That's why George Jr.
consulted Him, instead of his dad, before he started this new war, and
that's why George Sr. consulted Billy Grahm before starting the old
war. What is happening in Florida is just random smiteing to keep the
masses worried and the tithes up to snuff. That could be where George
learned all he knows about fear mongering, which he is admittedly
pretty good at. Besides, I don't think it was incorrect voting so much
as political corruption that was the problem in Florida. I posted this
before, but maybe you missed it. It will give you a fairly good idea
of what's what concerning religion and politics.