Sam wrote:
"Taco Heaven" wrote in message news:w1_4d.16703$He1.9901@attbi_s01...
About 36% of Republicans graduated from college while about 28% and 23% of
Independents and Democrats, respectively, graduated from college. About 59%
of Republicans made over $35,000 a year while only 50% and 35% of
Independents and Democrats, respectively, made over $35,000 a year.
"The state's Republicans are also wealthier than their Democratic and
Independent counterparts. Almost half (47%) of the Republicans surveyed
stated they had a household income of over $35,000, while 37% of
Independents and just under a third (31%) of the Democrats had incomes over
You equate money with intelligence. I've met a lot of "rich" people,
of both parties, that are quite stupid. I've met a lot of "poor"
people that are quite smart. Look at Bush, I believe he's pretty rich
and then on the other hand he's also pretty stupid. Then there's the
"old" money thing. If your parents are rich, your way can be pretty
well paved, a fast track to wealth through schooling and contacts that
on your own might never have happened, you were just lucky and
happened to pop out of the right womb. Just like Bush. On his own he's
incompetent, his dad's money and friends got him out of the numerous
holes he's dug for himself. Wealth can also be accumulated through a
lack of ethics, in the business world the final litmus test seems to
be legality, not morality. Rich folks,and according to you more
Republicans than others, seem to me to lean towards the IGMFY state of
mind, I got mine, **** you.
I saw a very good $3 bill last week with a photo of Dickless Cheney on
the front and that expression on the back. Seems to fit perfectly.
We today have a president of the United States who looks like he is the
son of Howdy Doody or Alfred E. Newman, who isn't smarter than either of
them, who is arrogant about his ignorance, who is reckless and
incompetent, and whose backers are turning the United States into a pariah.
What, me worry?