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"Taco Heaven" wrote in message
It was not my opinion it was a the result of a completely unbiased survey
that was not looking at the voting patterns of anyone they interviewed.
They really did not care if they voted for a democrat or a republican.

They asked them for their education level and than asked them questions to
determine how knowledgeable they were concerning the issues. They did not
care who they voted for and did not ask that question. I know you did not
read the survey because it disagreed with your preconceived ideas.

This survey which seems very logical showed that people with more formal
education were better informed than those who were not.

Now tell us how you determined that the Democrats were better educated and
relied less on slogans and sound bites.

You say that it is easy to find a survey that says anything you want.
Find one from a respected university that would agree with your outrageous
assumption. Hell, find any survey that would agree with your outrageous

You are upset because you made a comment that was incorrect and did not
want to see an independent survey that proved you wrong.

That seems to be happening quite often with Chuck lately. And he seems to
have taken on a nastiness that he did not carry before. The last time this
happened he ended up taking a break from the NG for several months. Once he
returned he vowed to stay away from political discussions. That promise was
quickly broken.

He seems to be on the verge of another breakdown and I would suspect he will
make yet another break after Bush wins the election, returning some months
later with yet another promise to stay away from political discussions.

He has become as predictable as Krause.