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  #22   Report Post  
Gould 0738
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I am not suggesting there are any plans for a draft, but NOYB has
suggested attacks on Syria and Iran.

If NOYB's fantasy comes to fruition and we expand this war, he may be among the
first to go!

From the Selective Service website, "Strategic Goals for 2004"

Strategic Objective 1.1: Within current legislative guidance, enhance the
Agency’s ability
to respond flexibly to a DoD request for health care personnel using the
Agency’s HCPDS.

Strategic Objective 1.2: Ensure a mobilization infrastructure of 56 State
442 Area Offices and 1,980 Local Boards are operational within 75 days of an
return to conscription.

Strategic Objective 1.3: Be operationally ready to furnish untrained manpower
within DoD


Strategic Objective 1.4: Support the Agency’s ability to provide manpower to
the DoD with the development and implementation of updated readiness training


Strategic Objective 2.1: Improve registration compliance rates.


Strategic Objective 2.2: Improve the participation rate in the SSS’ High
School (HS) Registrar Program which is composed of individuals who have agreed
to act as uncompensated Registrars in high schools nationally.


Strategic Objective 2.3: Seek alternative registration methods

Strategic Objective 4.1: Ensure a mobilization infrastructure of 48 Alternative
Service Offices and 48 Civilian Review Boards are operational within 96 days
after notification of a return to induction.


Sure sounds like a draft is the farthest thing from the government's mind.

A funny thing occurs to me. The Limbaugh fans who squeal, "Don't let them
register our guns! They might come and take them away!" have no difficulty at
all registering their sons, and soon their daughters for that *exact* purpose.