Cleesturtle1 wrote in message . ..
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 10:33:11 -0400, Harry Krause
I switched to digital and in fact recently sold off my film SLR.
Welcome to the early ninties dimwit. Prices for digital cameras have
finally fell low enough for folks who say "Would ya like fries with
that?" for aliving, can afford them. But of course, you know that now.
wife, though, prefers a small film camera she can tuck in her purse when
she travels.
And where exactly does your cousin "travel" to?
I've never gotten involved in home movies or videos. I figured it was
ocmplicated enought holding and focusing a camera for one steady shot!
read: Ive never had the smarts or money to get into video.
I'm still experimenting to find the "right" digital software package.
Dont worry...theres a lot of freeware out there.
I've been playing around a little with the trial version of Adobe's
Photoshop CS, but man, it is complicated, but it is one of the few that
reads the "raw" images my digital camera outputs.
Here you go again...trying to impress the group, only for it to
backfire in your face...
Photoshop is one of the most user freindly software packages out
there...I have been using it for many years. Its obvious you have
never used it. And I like the your use of the buzzword "raw"...nice
try idiot. LOL!
Oh, really? So, what red saturation index do you typically use for
portraits? How about unfiltered scenics? How do YOU decide a
particular picture's sharpness needs?