On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 13:46:31 GMT, "NOYB" wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:
Personally, I think it's the Clinton's doing.
It's the wrath of Hillary!
Seriously, the few analytical reports I've seen seem to tie the increase
in storms to a side effect of global warming.
It would be very decent of you and some of your wealthy professional
friends to see what you can do to help some of the least fortunate in
your state who have lost everything and have no insurance. You have a
lot of very hard working migrant agricultural workers who do the jobs no
Americans will touch, and they have been really devastated by the
storms. Clothing, food, help with temporary shelter...help your brothers
out there, Nobby...it'll make you feel warm all over.
I have.
BTW--You do realize that there's no law against sending checks across state
lines to the Red Cross in areas that were effected by the hurricanes? When
you write *your* check, please write "earmarked for hurricane ____ recovery
efforts in _______ county" so the money gets used for what it was meant for.
That's what I did.
Do that anyway any time you send money to a relief agency. While I
won't have anything to do with the Red Cross, there are other national
agencies working down there and the two checks we've sent are directly
earmarked to relief efforts in that area.
"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."
Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653