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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 09:20:55 -0400, Harry Krause

NOYB wrote:

Personally, I think it's the Clinton's doing.

It's the wrath of Hillary!

Seriously, the few analytical reports I've seen seem to tie the increase
in storms to a side effect of global warming.

Atmospheric scientists of major repuration will tell you that it's the
current activity of the normal eleven year sun cycle in concert with
the effects of mid-latitude Pacific warming currents that cause storm
cycles like this. In fact, it has happened before - around the
mid-19th century in Texas I believe - four big hurricanes in a row all
spawned in the same area as the current bunch. Oddly enough, it was a
pretty similar sun/warming current cycle to this one.

That does not dismiss "global warming" as having some minor impact on
what is happening in the atmosphere, but it has always amused me that
blame is placed on glabal warming.

Based on actual geophysical evidence, there have been major cycles of
warming, cooling, temperate cycles throughout the history of the
earth. Now, does that mean that pollution isn't a problem for those
of us who live here, absolutely not - it is a big concern and it
should be given major consideration as it impacts everyone's life on
the planet.

The important thing is that evidence for this being an entirely
normal part of the atmospheric storm cycle is solid - the evidence of
it being caused by global warming is purely anecdotal and unproven.

Take care.


"The beatings will stop when morale improves."
E. Teach, 1717