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"Harry Krause" wrote in message
thunder wrote:
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 13:58:49 -0400, P.Fritz wrote:

Reporting "healthcare" as a crisis that needs to be fixed by the

is NOt informative, it is liebral socialist bias. There is NO
constitutional mandate for the fed. guvmint to provide health care or
healthcare insurance.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the
common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings

Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.

Some would consider that healthcare could come under "general welfare".

One can only hope that slime such as Fritz find themselves in dire need
someday, only to be turned away so they suffer inordinately because of
their disregard for their fellow man.

Two weeks ago, we encountered a 30-something fellow who could not find a
dentist or a dental society anywhere in his area of the Pacific
Northwest who would see him regarding some terrible dental pain he had
been having. He presented a list that included three dental societies
and 23 dental offices he called for help. The list was legitimate. He's
been Bushed out of his job, he has no money, and his community has no
funds for dental care for a fellow in his circumstances, and General
Welfare is a thing of the past.

What did he do?

Using a pliers, he yanked out three of his teeth. Himself.

I know an Oral Surgeon who extracted his own wisdom teeth. I only found out
that he did it, after he had already extracted my wife's wisdom teeth...or I
wouldn't have let him near her. Something's not right with anybody who
would do that to himself.

Next time you run into a guy like that, tell him to call one of the local
dental schools. The work is first rate, but takes a long time and there's
usually a lot of appointments. It's ideal for people who have more time
than money (the unemployed, retirees, etc).

I had patients in dental school that used to drive 2 hours for their
appointment...but we always did the work for free, or for a very nominal

Nevertheless, I find it impossible to believe this guy's story that 3 local
dental societies turned him down. His story just isn't credible. My best
guess is that he's been pegged as a "drug seeker" who, every weekend, calls
the next dentist on the list for a narcotic and an antibiotic...and then
doesn't show for the appointment on Monday because his tooth is feeling
better by then.