yup, anchors are supposed to take out other boats ...
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lazy creep, you in fact know that anchoring as you do might injure someone. if
you do and if I hear about it I will make sure your do hard time.
remember that fat old clown in CT who killed a man in a heavy fog and injured
his adult son? the fat clown who claimed it was "an act of god" because he had
his radar on as he ran over the man?
dood, the fat old clown in CT went to jail.
as well he, and you, should.
A boater
Date: 9/28/2004 9:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time
On 27 Sep 2004 01:55:39 GMT,
(JAXAshby) wrote:
yup, anchors are supposed to take out other boats ... killing other people,
at least seriously damaging their property.
let those clowns who believe that rot in jail. where they belong, for they
part of the criminal element of today's society.
And all this time I thought Anchors like "Rather" were just supposed to tell
the truth. Instead we find them to lie on the bottom and then twist and
turn and never hold to the truth.
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