Hi Harlan
Have a look at this:
both 27 and 29 will fit your "trailable" requirement, and both live up
to the FAST-TECH name.
My personal boat is a 1991 Formula 26 PC. I have found Formula's to be
well built and reliable. They are very seaworthy. Their service
department is second to none. Weather you are in Boston or the Bahamas
in need of a widget, Formula will get it to you overnight express.
I plan to trade in my boat next year for a larger one. It will be a Formula.
Capt. Frank
Harlan Lachman wrote:
Harry, I read a lot of your posts and respect them, but this one I
don't get.
I rented a pick up to trailer my boat the last time I wanted to trailer
it someplace so I would just rent a vehicle big (or small) enough as
necessary. I want to be able to trailer it at least 1000 miles each way
(but I don't see why that matters either). And, I plan to cruise on it
(last year from Boston, P Town, Marthas, Block and Newport so it has to
be able to weather real seas but go fast when they are relatively
Given these considerations, what is the fastest, largest, trailerable
boat one can take cruising (oh, BTW, as an asthmatic with OSA, I need
AC and enough battery power to run my CPAP or at least a plug near the
berth I use).
Is that clearer or am I still missing your point?
In article , Harry Krause
Harlan Lachman wrote:
The subject line says it all. What are some of the largest, fastest
(40+ mph), trailerable (8'6" beam) cruising capable boats worth
You need to consider all sorts of aspects of how and where you want to
use the boat and what you want to haul it with, and how far, before you
start asking these kinds of questions.