On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:42:28 -0400, Harry Krause
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:21:40 GMT, "JC" wrote:
Well I want to keep this fairly easy. The blue that's on the deck now,
although crappy dull non-metallic paint, doesn't look all that bad. There
is a 1 1/2 inch rub strip all around the deck/hull joint that separates the
2 colors so the paint doesn't have to match exactly, just get along with the
hull color. What I has looking for was a glossy metallic paint that I could
just mix and paint. Maybe throw on a couple of coats of clear. It would
not have to be the heavy metallic paint just a little metallic. This boat
is a 1978, manufactured by Caddo. Its not a great boat so I'm looking at
just making it easier to look at. Right now its scaring the fish. Thanks,
Ah - then it's not much of a problem.
Just rough up the current paint to remove any wax buildup and give a
decent surface to paint. At that point, check around with some
autobody shops to see if they can mix up a quart or so of epoxy metal
flake, cut it and paint away. Clear coat is clear coat.
Just be sure when you are painting that you get the "wet" look when
applying the paint. If it looks dry, then you need to keep painting
until it looks "wet".
Hmmmm...do you do walls? I'm finishing up my home office finally. Got
the drywall and trim carpentry done, got two coats'o'white on the walls
and ceilings, got tilesetters coming in in about two weeks, got cabinets
and countertops on order...would consider a tangerine-colored metalflake
wall, baby.
Sorry Harry - as much as I would love to paint one of your walls
tangerine with silver/gold/pearl metal flake, I can't paint for love
or money.
I know how it's done because I have restored several vehicles, but I
don't seem to have the hang of it - I always find a way to mess it up.