inverter vibration damage???
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Earl Colby Pottinger
Posts: n/a
(LaBomba182) :
Subject: inverter vibration damage???
From: Earl Colby Pottinger
I make public email sent to me!
Capt. Bill
Because I get into agruements where people send me the worse type of email
messages possible, while in the public forums they try to pretend to be sweet
and nice. The idea is to have me blow my top and either say things I should
not or if I try posting thier email to defend myself I am breaking the
unwritten rule that emails are assumed to be private.
In my case I don't let people attack me and then hid behind that unwritten
If you need examples use Google to look at the messages in sci.astro from
1995 to 2003 and checkout the attacks from the Zetadrones. Using email to
bad mouth a person then jumping all over them if they revealed the email was
standard for them. Basicly I live as open a life as possible, this makes it
very hard make false claims about me that people will believe.
Earl Colby Pottinger
I make public email sent to me! Hydrogen Peroxide Rockets, OpenBeos,
SerialTransfer 3.0, RAMDISK, BoatBuilding, DIY TabletPC. What happened to
the time?
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