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Vito wrote:
Yada Yada yada - I suppose no reunification elections were ever scheduled,


that the partitioning was to be permanent,

... or that the Diem regime was going
to beat Ho by a landslide.


For one thing, about 4 million refugees fled North Viet Nam in the mid
1950s, came to the Sotuh, and having seen the Viet Minh gov't in action,
would never have voted for it. In fact, one of the big disputes that
they argued over was that the North insisted that refugees could not be
allowed to vote. Needless to say, there were very few if any refugees
fleeing the South to the North.

Real history does not lend itself to neat ideological explanations (for
the most part) but spinning out fantasy and calling it history will not
explain a damn thing.

.... The U.S. arms industry supplies about 70% of the
ammunition used in the world.

Never the less we are buying (back?) small arms ammo from Israel and the UK.

That may be true. I've heard of crazier things being done with our tax