This one is very hard to ask. I don't understand this concept in French, so
translating it it's very hard.
I will change all the electricity system in my boat during winter.
A friend of me is an top notch electric engineer and he proposes to make the
design of my electric system.
He wants to put transistor (MOSFET) to control the different system. It will
reduce the amount of heavy wiring.
He proposes me 2 different approaches.
One using the channel N. The positive side is directed to the body of the
boat. Like in the Suzuki cars
The other using channel P. The negative side is directed to the body of the
boat. Like in North American cars.
I don't know if somebody understands what I am trying to explain, if you do,
which system should adopt for the boat.
What are your recommendations?
Thank you
Sylvain Sirois