Usage of motoroil
Sort of like a high school kid pumping up his chest. ; )
"Joe" wrote in message
Why don't *you* answer some questions?
Yes or no:
In a normal engine the oil ring on a piston is not 100% effective in
removing all of the oil from the cylinder wall?
In a normal engine a thin film of oil is left on the cylinder walls on
downward stroke?
In a normal engine some oil is burned in the combustion chamber?
In a normal engine some oil is consumed in the combustion chamber?
What's the matter? You act just like a conservative talk show host,
when the heat gets unbearable, you change the task at hand.
No Asslicker, this thread is titled "usage of motoroil". You have
consistently shown your ignorance on this subject and will not answer
simple questions.
The previous two posts from you were relating to you calling yourself an
I blew that out of the water, when you specifically stated
you were an engineer in GA, and FL. So, anyway, I'll answer your
questions, then we'll get back to you being an engineer, okay?
I am an Engineer, a Telecommunications Engineer. Never said I was a P.E
which in your mind is the *only* type of Engineer.
I do not offer my services to the public, nor call myself a Professional
Engineer. My Fl Low Voltage Specialty License does allow me to contract,
design, install, and pull permits for telecommunications infrastructure
projects in Florida and Georgia.
All four are not questions. All four are simple statements.
A question is phrased like this:
In a normal engine IS a thin film......blah blah.
All you have to do is answer Yes that you agree, or No that you do not
Very simple, I thought it was even easy enough for you to understand.