Stephen Baker ) writes:
Morgab Ohlson says (and I may misquote due to an eccentric quoting style used
Boats with a Cat rig have a tendencie towards max beam and max draft closer
to the bow.
...that must be because of the mast weight, isn't it?
More probably because that was the "right" shape for a boat during the years
(hundreds of them) the cat rig developed - as for the draft, that is usually
I suspect the big volume hull came first for roomy comfort or cargo
capacity, then the oversized cat sail stepped out of the way in the bow to
get enough power to push all that hull through the water, and the big
"barn door" rudder to try and steer the thing. they still heel over and
stop so you give up something in sailing characteristics for the high
volume hull.
William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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