28-32' cruiser with flybridge?
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28-32' cruiser with flybridge?
(Wannacat) wrote in message . com...
We're shopping for a 28-32' cruiser and are really attracted to a
flybridge style. To our dismay, neither Sea Ray nor Chaparral make
cruiser of this type/size. We've seen only one boat with the right
design so far - Bayliner 288 (formerly 2858), but average quality of
its construction makes us wish to have more than one boat to choose
Can anyone suggest other flybridge cruisers of this size? Any tips
will be greatly appreciated!
We have an older ('86) 26' Carver flybridge. Carver stopped making
their wide-beamed 28' flybridges arouind 1990, gravitating to the
strange-looking-but-roomy Santego style. I receive many inquiries
about our boat because (almost) no boat manufacturer sells a smaller
traditional "cruiser" style anymore. I think the express designes are
great, but I'd guess there may be a market for the small trational
design. I've owned a mid-cabin express, and it was a good boat. We
sold it so we could have a boat whose cabin has real windows. I can't
differentiate between all the express styles anymore.
Good luck.
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