Gould 0738 wrote:
Willing to look at an older boat?
Consider Bertram. Built both 28 and 32 flybridge models.
Blackfin builds a new 32' flybridge boat- and it is probably priced around
$200k or so with twin diesels.
There's a new boat built by Halvorsen that looks promising. Built in Europe to
Lloyds standards. 32-feet, single diesel, probably in the 2 to low-2's price
bracket for a new 32-footer.
Looking for a builder where the 28-32 foot range is the "top of the line" may
also pay some dividends. Some builders consider 28-feet an "entry level" boat,
and they build
the products just well enough to get you by until you can step up to a "real"
boat for a few hundred thousand more....
There's a lovely Bertie 33' sportfish with a flying bridge available for
under $100,000 down the road from me apiece. I believe it is a mid or
late 1980's model. I've only looked at the exterior, and the hull looks
very sound. The downside is that it apparently has a pair of 454
gashogs. If I were looking for a project boat (in terms of a diesel
repower), this would be the one.
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