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Jack Painter
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"Doug" wrote
Have you looked at the SEA157? We have tugboat customers who won't use any
other brand. Some operator familiarization is required as the controls are
not intuitively obvious. We have areas on the Columbia River where local

high band public safety radios (police, fire, ambulance) blast through on
top of marine channels on most brands. The SEA brand is immune to the
I have not had reports of any public safety interference on the new

and Icom units, but have not really sought out the information either.
From a factory warranty standpoint, Vertex Standard Horizon is hard to

They stand behind their equipment the best.
Doug K7ABX

Hi Doug, public safety intermod is a real problem all over the Hampton
Roads, VA area also. I have noted some Horizon radios subject to it underway
while scanning, others while guarding one channel only. Maybe the
manufacturers are at odds with themselves when they build a radio to scan,
as the spurious signal rejection ability probably suffers when the squelch
has to have such a fast attack.

From my fixed land station near the beach, I have no intermod from Icom
R-7000's (guard receivers) and none from a JRC-200 marine transceiver, even
when scanning. But a police-scanner-receiver trying to scan marine bands is
almost useless as the intermod just overpowers them, especially if fed
through active multicouplers. A friend's Icom-502 is *useless* at his
fixed-land station due to nearby cell tower and public safety intermod.


Virginia Beach VA