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Facts show 9 out of 10 loaded handguns keep in homes, are more likely to
kill a friend or family member than an intruder.

Ah the Kellermann "study".
It is so full of holes that most people discount it entirely.
To start with it includes suicide.
"Kill an intruder" really meant people who were charged and were later aquitted
on self defense.
It was only looking at one small area of Washington State.
It ignored intentional murders (we always kill the ones we love)
It ignored wounded intruders.
It ignored all of the cases where the presense of the gun was all it took to
run off the intruder.
It is the perfect case of a "study" being someone who started with the answer
they wanted and sought out the "facts" to prove it.

The fact is child/gun accidents are a very small number, typically a couple
hundred a year for age 0-14 but the hype would have you believing they are
dropping like flies

I am a supporter of "lock up your gun" but I am not going to use bogus
"studies" to support it.
I don't even like trigger locks. As far as I am concerned they are useless. It
does nothing to keep the gun from being stolen and it only gives the kid a
puzzle to solve.
Lock up the whole thing!
The real answer is still education.