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Netsock wrote:

: Yes...years of beaching will take its toll on the gel coat. You could put on
: a Keel Guard, which would protect the most effected area, and practicing
: "soft landings" would minimize the effect, but other than that, abstinence
: is the only way to avoid the sandpaper effect.

A trick that we used to use on the Colorado River lakes:

Get an old tire and cut a hole (about 1" x 3") in the tread area to drain

Put the tire on the beach and "beach" the boat on the tire. Tying it to
a stake pounded in the sand will keep it from drifting out.

Better yet, use an anchor (with a float on the end of the line) and clip it
to the bow eye. Keeps the bow in to the waves and eliminates the possibility
of a wake sloshing over the transom.
