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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 23:27:26 -0400, Wayne.B

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 21:37:43 -0400, "sel1" wrote:

I was thinking of using an orbital sander with 80 grit


It will take forever and you'll use a ton of sand paper before you're
done. Best bet is a good chemical stripper, probably more than one
application, followed by a light sanding. After you've done all that
it might be a good time for some barrier coats. I've never used it
but others have reported good results with a stripper called "Peel
Away". I've also heard reports of people making their own stripper
by mixing methylene chloride with corn starch as a thickening agent.

Careful, toxic stuff.

It's about $60 per bucket which does 35/40 sq ft per.

Thanks Wayne - I've been looking for a way to take the bottom paint
off my Ranger this winter - this is it.

I was just to lazy to go looking for it.

All the best,


"What the hell's the deal with this newsgroup...
is there a computer terminal in the day room of
some looney bin somewhere?"

Bilgeman - circa 2004