In article ,
TC wrote:
DSK wrote:
Karl Denninger wrote:
A better option is to just anchor the boat a few feet off!
Usually... agreed.
Is it really THAT hard to drop a couple of hooks?
Sometimes there are reasons not to... don't have an anchor, just
stepping off for a minute, crowded, etc etc.
You bring up a good point. Here in Florida, weekends look like a
Walmart parking lot in many areas. Sometimes I wonder if one of those
beeping keychains (the boat "beeps") are needed to find your boat. 
Most of the time, I try to avoid those areas though.
Yeah, and if you beach in one of those "parking lots", guess what the random
wake is going to do when it comes at you at an angle....
Karl Denninger ) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist My home on the net - links to everything I do! Your UNCENSORED place to talk about DIVING! SPAM FREE mailboxes - FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Musings Of A Sentient Mind