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Jon Smithe
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I checked out Nor'westing Magazine and it appeared to be a first class
regional boating magazine. I was surprised to see your magazine selling
reprints of their reviews, you normally don't see regional boating magazines
having the leverage to allow them to sell their reviews as an additional
source of income. I have normally only seen this done with national
magazines. This speaks highly of the reputation of your magazine in the

While it is great for boating magazines, it does highlight the importance of
understanding how boating magazines, including yours, make a profit. The
selling price of the magazine does not begin to cover the costs, so
advertising and selling reprints of the articles are the only way magazine
owners can make money. Since no one will pay to advertise in a magazine
that demeans their product, or pay for reprints of a poor review or PR
article, it is important that the consumer realize the real relationship
between boating magazines and boating suppliers. This is not an attack on
you or any boating magazine.

By the way, I also read a number of your reviews, and all I read had that
nice homey personal feel that I and many others like. It is like you are
talking to friends and family. So don't take any of my comments personally,
I like the articles you post in I find them enjoyable and well

"Jon Smithe" wrote in message news:...

I was not trying to pick a fight with anyone, and was meant to support
your magazine position in running the infomercial.. I was responding to
someone's comment in which he said " Chuck, was that an advertisement?
I read a lot of nice words, but didn't
see any test results or other statistics to support the claims."

My reply was "It's a PR piece for a new product. "Articles" like this is
very common in
all boating magazines. .Normally they agree to run so many ads if the
magazine agrees to run the piece."

Your reply was "You don't know a goddam thing about boats, and don't even
begin to
insinuate you know anything about boating magazines."

In other posts you continue to make personal insults and were trying to
pick a fight. I continued to keep the discussion on topic about boating

As far as you comment about the editor asking you to write the piece,
didn't you say your editor asked you to give the president of the company
a call? If not, how did you hear about the product and get the presidents
name and telephone number so you 'interview" him?

Even though you obviously was the one trying to start a fight, I have
deliberately stayed away from a fight and keep the discussion on topic.

As you can see from the all other replies everyone agreed that this is the
typical well written PR piece run by boating magazines.

Again, I am amazed at how upset you became when I made my supporting
comment. I have done everything to keep this on a discussion about
boating magazines, you have made this into a discussion of personalities
and not issues. According to your standards, repeated often in this NG,
that is only done when someone believes they have lost the argument.

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
I hate to tell you this, but you are the one uniformed. The question is
are you so upset if your publisher asked you to write a "fluff" article

My publisher seldom asks me to write anything. I have full editorial
That's a concept you probably wouldn't understand, as all you can seem to
are snide personal remarks about other people.

Why don't you get back over to the OT political threads where you belong,
stop trying to pick fights and start personal arguments in an on-topic

You want to bitch about my personal or political philosophies, fine. Do
where it's appropriate. Trying to hijack a thread into a personal
squabble is
*exactly* what your very favorite participant in the NG is famous for. Is
of your fixation on that person a burning desire to emulate his behavior?

It sounded like all
of the "reviews" in boating magazines.

It wasn't a product review, it was an informational interview and
as such.

I'd think a guy who claims to be an expert
on writing and publishing, as well as a mind-reader, would know the