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Jon Smithe
Posts: n/a

I don't know how Gould is compensated, but many magazines pay their
freelance writers only for an articles that are published. Since they don't
get published unless the article is extremely positive of the product being
reviewed, it does not take a freelance author to long to know how to write
the article.

If someone wanted to write for any boating magazine, he better wear some
rose colored glasses.

"WaIIy" wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 15:27:14 -0400, Harry Krause

Gould 0738 wrote:
I hate to tell you this, but you are the one uniformed. The question is
are you so upset if your publisher asked you to write a "fluff" article

My publisher seldom asks me to write anything. I have full editorial
That's a concept you probably wouldn't understand, as all you can seem
to write
are snide personal remarks about other people.

Why don't you get back over to the OT political threads where you
belong, and
stop trying to pick fights and start personal arguments in an on-topic

Chuckster...just toss the little ass in the dumpster and leave him alone
with his simple-minded right-wing butt buddies...

Yes, you and Gould need to throw snotty names around when the facts
befuddle and embarrass you.

Two sock puppets.

This is better than Sesame Street.