Decision on which GPS unit to Purchase
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Dennis Pogson
Posts: n/a
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:53:42 -0400, Jack Erbes
If you're wearing polarized sunglasses, you will have trouble seeing
things on any LCD. You will pretty much have to take the sunglasses
off to read the LCD.
I can see my LCD radar just fine, and I can even read my Garmin
Map76s from 6 feet away. I'm old and very nearsighted with severe
astigmatism. You must have defective glasses. If I turn my head
sideways 90 degrees, the screen goes blank, but I rarely turn my head
sideways 90 degrees, so that isn't an issue.
Best sunscreen is the helmet used by F16 fighter pilots with built-in UV
filtering and a head-up display! (Full colour)
You should be able to pick up an old one from the USAF for around $10,000,
and work out the connections!
Your crew will be suitably impressed!
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