Increasing Small Outboard Power
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On 17 Oct 2004 11:32:57 -0700,
(Louis) wrote:
I have a 1996 Mercury 3.3 HP 2 stroke outboard that does a decent job.
Recently, I ran aground and chewed up the prop. I need to replace it
but here's where the question popped up. Is there a way to increase
the speed/power of this motor with a different prop (or any other
I see that there's an optional Black Max prop for this outboard but I
don't know if it make any difference except in price.
Is there anyway (prop, fuel, plug or anything else) to increase the
power and speed from this outboard without having to buy a higher
horsepower outboard?
I'm hoping that there's a way without damaging the outboard. Any
experience or suggesting would be greatly appreciated!
I wouldn't do much more than a compression test on a motor like this
and replace the rings/reed valve etc. if needed. It's possible to get
more power, but reliability, idling and so on suffers and more stress
is put on bearings and the like.
Things like de-gunking the exhaust (critical in 2 strokes) and
polishing the ports and head a safe improvements, upping the
compression ratio requires jetting and timing corrections, which if
not done correctly, can leave you worse off than before.
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