NOYB wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
55 newspapers total
42 newspapers total
Considering the liberal slant of most journalists (nearly 80% voted for
in 2000), that's a pitiful showing for Kerry.
Oh? How about those conservative...journalists...
All 5% of them?
" Thirty-nine percent of Americans said they were politically conservative,
compared with 5 percent of national journalists."
You've naive. You're always confusing "working journalists" with those
who own the publications and drive the editorial page. I worked for a
bigtime newspaper in Kansas City. The paper was Republican-leaning, but
not overtly so. You couldn't tell by reading the news columns. But there
was conservative bias on the editorial pages. Those of us on the news
side never were pressured by the editorial writers and the editorial
writers never askedus for input. The editorial writers worked closely
with the publisher's side. That's the case at most newspapers.
Fox News probably is the worst example of a single mindset controlling
editorial and news.
The real world is not as you seem to see it. As you age, you'll realize
Jesus was the ultimate liberal progressive revolutionary of all history.
The conservative religious and social structure that he defied hated and
crucified him. They examined His life and did not like what they saw. He
aligned himself with the poor and the oppressed. He challenged the
religious orthodoxy of his day. He advocated pacifism and loving our
enemies. He liberated women and minorities from oppression. He healed on
the Sabbath and forgave adulterers and prostitutes. He associated with
drunks and other social outcasts. He rebuked the religious right of his
day because they embraced the letter of the law instead of the Spirit.
He loved sinners and called them to himself. Jesus was the original
Liberal. He was a progressive, and he was judged and hated for it. It
was the self-righteous religionists that he rebuked and he called them
The primary issues of Christian Liberalism were birthed when Jesus spoke
the profoundly prophetic words found in Matthew 25: 31-46. These
scriptures reveal God's heart for the poor, the sick and other neglected
people through out history. Christians should read this text and judge
for themselves which of the two groups mentioned there more accurately
reflect the political parties of today. His Liberalism lives on today
and the issues have not changed much.