O/T 'Canned hunting' on CNN
"Doug Kanter" wrote in message news:0Nwyb.2817
I disagree, but based only on being very familiar with the way some REAL
hunters hunt. My former neighbor's dad has about 1000 acres an hour south of
Avoca, Bath area?
This guy's not that unusual. I've met his neighbors down at the farmland.
They're the same way. They go out for 40 hours and come back with one deer,
just enough for their families.
That is true enough. When I lived there, I had no problem with people
who lived in the area taking a deer to feed there families. But, I
really didn't care for all of the people that came to the area from
Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse who came and just blasted everything in
sight. Ever look at Rochester's landfills after deer season? They are
full of deer carcasses, rotting, after they took the deer home to
parade it up and down the streets.