Call for wild canoe or seakayak culture stories!
OK, the whitewater folks have the rep for being 'crazee.' Well, I know
that fla****er and bigwater people are just as nuts...but in a
sustainable way, maybe more diverse, too (they're less monosyllabic).
So, c'mon, let me see some stories or fave posts---or please point me
to any you know of.
Does anyone get Atlantic Coastal Kayaker magazine? I'd think that
would have a lot of fine, fresh, candid, downhome wacked-out
storytelling. But I don't sub. Anyone here? I could always get a
back-issue. (I should sub, I know.)
I'm doing a new issue of my general interest DIY outdoor culture zeen,
OYB, in 2 weeks. I need a great boating piece!
Don't make me write it myself...again!