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Your compass will "stick" as the bearing that the card sits on binds due to
the magnetic force of inclination tilting the card. That is, your readings
will become erratic.

If its a hand held compass, you can sometimes tilt it to allow the card to
float freely on its bearing, and still be able to use it.

Many compasses allow for adjustment. Check yours.

The problem is real, and varies with the earth's magnetic field, which does
not simply vary with lattitude. See, for example, the Silva or Suunto
compass sites for charts of the 5 compass zones that manufacturers make
compasses for. It sounds like your compass is zone1, and I think NZ is in
zone 4.

A while back I bought a set of Fujinon binoculars from the US. The inbuilt
compass is unusable here in just sticks anywhere between
+-20 degrees off true bearing.

"Evan Gatehouse" wrote in message
Anybody have any experience using a Northern Hemisphere compass as far

as say New Zealand? I *know* you're supposed to have a s. hemisphere
compass in an ideal world, but I'm wondering how much the card deflects

is it still useable, even if tilted.