Good Boat Names that are SONGS!
I've been listening to MUDBONE by Santana and decided it meets
my standards for boat names that are songs. This one is an instrumental.
Disk 3 "Spirit" of a triple CD.
1. It's obtuse, and good for confusing anyone who doesn't know what it
2. It has a special meaning.
3. It is just plain weird enough that no one is like to duplicate it on the
of a boat, and...
4. It is one of the best pieces of music I know. Good for getting the
whole crew
doing the petroglyph dance on the foredeck.
I think I'll name my next boat [that is big enough to dance on ] "MUDBONE"
Anyone got any other good boat names that are songs?
1 point for a good one. 1 lash for a lame one.