The Blue Seas part no:8253 is a 100-0-100 ammeter with a shunt. I never see
any retailer stock them but you can order direct.
Although I have a digital ammeter as a part of my Link 20, I still like to
have a digital ammeter. Not only can I always see what is happening with
my charging circuit (without having to scroll through menu, but the output
is very "analog". By that I mean I don't have to interpret a number in my
seasick brain to determine if there is a problem I should espond to. I
also like having the redundancy of an analog instrument to back up my
digital instruments. I don't trust little wires and circuit traces in the
manine environment.
S/V Nausicaa
The old style zero center ammeters are not very desirable in my
opinion unless mounted very close to your batteries, or it has an
external shunt. Without a shunt it is necessary to run a high current
wire (large) all the way to the meter and back to your battery/engine
area. Better to get one of the new digital ammeters (with shunt) that
reads both positive and negative flow.
Correct me if I'm wrong (not being an electrical type

But aren't
external shunt type amp meters milli-volt meters and the meter simply
measures the voltage drop across the shunt??
I don't see that the voltage could be reversed to operate the meter on
either side of zero.
I always assumed that this was the reason you we never see any external
shunt type 'zero center' amp meters.
If anyone knows of a 150-0-150 amp, shunt type amp meter, I would like to
know where I can get one. I could then monitor my house bank charge and
useage at the DC panel without opening the inverter/charger locker.
(Sorry, I didn't mean to 'hijack' this thread. This topic may deserves
own thread.)
s/v Good Intentions