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Bruce in Alaska
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In article et,
"Doug" wrote:

Before I type and display my ignorance here about the ARPA issue, are we
talking about an 1830 or 1833? I see both mentioned in the trail.
IF I had an 1830 radar, I would want to make sure it has a version 08 or
higher EPROM and the revised modulator board in the scanner. Otherwise you a
prime candidate for blown modulator FETs. To determine the EPROM version,
turn on the radar and during the initial Time Delay before the radar can be
switched to transmit, the Resident Version of the EPROM is displayed on the
CRT. The last two digits on the right indicate the EPROM version. Version
08, 09, etc means an OK system. Version 07 and below, get the modification
done requiring a new EPROM in the display and new modulator board in the
scanner. Back in 1990 Furuno covered this as a warranty item. No idea if it
is still covered.
Compass input to the Furuno is via the gyro inputs and may be from their
AD100 conversion box or a flux gate compass, such as Furuno, KVH, etc. There
was a wiring change in mid production of the gyro connector, so make sure
you have your manual handy to match what you have.
As I see it, for an 1830, NMEA will give you lat/long, speed and
range/bearing to a waypoint.. It is not used for compass. Pin 3 of the
Furuno NMEA cable is receive data +, and pin 4 is receive data -.
Doug K7ABX

Yep, that's how I remeber it as well Doug. I haven't seen an 1833 in
person, but my assumption (I know...Bad idea) is that the 1833 would be
the same. Maybe Furuno has changed the firmware in the 1833 to use
NEMA compass data, for generating the Waypoint Popsicle, but it hasn't
been the case in any of the previous models.

Bruce in alaska
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