28-32' cruiser with flybridge?
For $300,000, Chuckster, I would want something more in a boat than a
"generally average quality offering." And I'd get it.
Many of your quality evaluations would be highly subjective. That's OK, same
with almost everybody else on most issues.
Then the trick becomes getting the "right" answer to the following question.
(Personally, I don't know what the right answer is... and right for one person
isn't going to be right for the next)
"For $300,000, shall I buy a generally average quality, 33' boat at least
adequately seaworthy for its intended use and then some- or for the same money
shall I instead select an exceptionally high quality 27' boat adequately
seaworthy for its intended use and then some?
Only people who have never really been around a boat in their whole life would
actually suspect that the only thing you get for 30-times the price of the
$9995 BMT combo is "bigger."