28-32' cruiser with flybridge?
Peggie Hall wrote in message ...
Messing In Boats wrote:
Two other names to consider:
Marinette sold 28 and 32' flybridge cruisers, aluminum hulls, pretty
well made, almost always twin gas Crusaders or Chrysler. They quit
making them in 10990, but there are a fair amount of them around,
especially in the Great lakes.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the Trojan F32 yet..the most
popular 32' flybridge sedan ever built. Trojan built it from 1973-1991
and never changed a thing except the decor color scheme, so there are a
bunch of 'em out there, and many of the older ones have been completely
restored and updated...to the extent that there's little left of the
original boat except the "shell." Mine was a project boat I bought from
an estate and restored. By the time I was finished, I had 1-3 yr old
boat (it took me 3 years to do all the work) in a 20 yr old hull, with
all the bells and whistles anyone could ask for on a boat.
The F32 has a 13' beam, which makes it very comfortable, with loads of
storage, and economical to cruise. However, it's not a blue water
boat...the design of the hull doesn't like heavy seas at all. But an
ideal cruiser for inland waters and protected waters like the Chesapeake
I agree with Peggy. I was looking thorugh this thread and was
suprised it took so long before someone mentioned the Trojan. Our
best friends have one, as do some other friends of ours. Great boats.
32 LOA and very beamy at 13'. As Peggy mentions it is not a boat for
rough water as they are too fat for their length. But thats a ride
issue - not structural. They are tough, well built hulls, just are
comfortable in rough water.