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Geoff Schultz
Posts: n/a

Wayne.B wrote in

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 18:55:38 -0500, "Doug Dotson"

Would you like to clarify that comment?


The web site for the antenna contained numerous spelling errors. To
me that is not the mark of a professional organization that I'd like
to do business with. Just my opinion of course, but I do a fair
amount of purchasing from internet web sites and quality of the
appearance is one of the criteria that I use when judging companies.

So if they wouldn't have mispelled "performace" and "lenght" and "stip"
(strip) would you have considered their product. No one ever said that
engineers could spell and they probably don't have the resources to hire an
expensive marketing firm. That doesn't mean that they don't have a good
product. While web site appearance is nice, anyone can put lipstick on a
pig, but it's still a pig.

-- Geoff